The name ELLECI was originated 2 acronym words which will constitute the company mission: "L" as "Lavelli" (Italian word for Sink) and "C" as "Composite": ELLECI.
The famous philosopher- Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Enthusiasm is the most effective driving force for success. Without enthusiasm, there is no great achievement.” Which ELLECI has taken it as the company’s motto since the beginning of the brand was established. And it has evolved into infinite imagination to create more quality products and services solutions based on ELLECI “Italian Origin”.
ELLECI’s success is the result of the commitment and dedication of the 6 company values - Design, Expertise, Passion, Care for details, Technology & Made in Italy. ELLECI, thus, becomes one of the rare examples with own factory, R&D plus laboratory and moulds engineering facilities in one single site. Not only pursues the best quality granite composite sink for customers, but also concerns the safety health of them. That’s why all the ELLECI granite composite sinks are met with the requirement of CE1935/2004 to proof that they are food contact safe.
Nowadays, ELLECI becomes the NO.1 granite composite sink manufacturer in Italy.